Website update 18/1/22
Cat enthusiast
- The 2022 End of Year Website Update - 01/01/2023
- Celebrating Ada Lovelace day - 10/10/2022
- Website update 5/9/22 - 05/09/2022
Over the past few days, we’ve been working on a few style updates to the site among other things.
- We’ve made the main content background (the big white bit!) ever so slightly see through so you can see the blocks in the background.
- We’ve added a shadow effect to the edge of the main content to make it stand out from the background a little more
- We’ve tidied up the styling of the courses section of the site in preparation for adding new courses into it.
Horses for Courses?
We’ve promised sorting out the courses for a long time and now that we’ve styled how they look and act a bit more we’re ready to add some courses into the site. Making the courses is actually a lot of hard work, as someone should be able to follow them through without any direct input. This means looking at the language used, and ensuring that instructions are absolutely crystal clear.
We’ve started to add the beginners Python course to the site which is using our Python Online IDE and plan to add at least 3 courses by the end of this month. It’s slow going, but will definitely be worth it!
Programming errors
Speaking of Python and programming, also added to the site is our Python coding errors tasks that we post on social media. The ones that we have posted have been added to the website and integrated into a ‘click the hotspot’ quiz where you can earn some CS points. It’s rather easy – all you do is look at the code and click where you think the errors are. If you get it right, a tick appears, if you aren’t right a cross appears.
There are also links to load the code up in our Python Online IDE so that you can try and fix the actual code yourself.
As the year goes on, there should be a lot more of these that go live on the website as we are producing 1 a week.
That’s it for now – as you can see, things are steaming along nicely. Back to creating some more resources for me!
As always thanks very much for your support.