Parson’s Puzzles

What are Parson’s puzzles?

Parson’s puzzles are designed to get you thinking about the order of code, and think logically about how code can be constructed.

In a Parson’s puzzle you have all the code that you need – you just need to put it into the right order!

In terms of computational thinking, the puzzle is asking you to think about the design of the algorithm, without having to worry about the actual code you need or that you have got the syntax correct.

What is the difference between normal and Challenge tasks?

In normal tasks you are not expected to use indentation as the indentation has already been done for you. In challenge tasks you are expected to drag blocks to a correctly indented place in order to complete the puzzle correctly.

Key Stage 3 level (age 11-14)

KS3 Puzzle



Python Challenge


Puzzle 1 – Accepting a user input

Sequencing, variables, inputs


Puzzle 2 – a simple calculator

Sequencing, variables, integers, inputs, mathematical symbols


Puzzle 3 – simple selection

Sequencing, variables, selection

Puzzle 4 – a better calculator

Sequencing, variables, integers, selection

Puzzle 5 – random dice game

Sequencing, variables, integers, selection, libraries

Puzzle 6 – random number guessing game

Sequencing, variables, integers, selection, libraries

Puzzle 7 – subroutines

Sequencing, variables, inputs, selection, subroutines

Puzzle 8 – for loops

Sequencing, variables, integers, selection, iteration

Puzzle 9 – while loops

Sequencing, variables, integers, iteration, libraries

Key Stage 4 level (age 14-16)

KS4 Puzzle


Sequencing, variables, lists, iteration

Sequencing, variables, lists, iteration

Sequencing, variables, lists, iteration

Sequencing, variables, lists, iteration

Sequencing, variables, lists, inputs, selection, iteration

Sequencing, variables, subroutines, inputs, selection

Sequencing, variables, functions, integers, inputs

Sequencing, variables, functions, length of string, uppercase check

Sequencing, variables, write to text file, iteration

Sequencing, variables, read from text file, iteration, stripping characters