Vigenere Cipher

The Vigenere cipher is a great example of a more advanced type of substitution cipher. It takes the idea of the Caesar Cipher and makes it a lot more difficult to decrypt by combining multiple Caesar Cipher substitutions and shifts into a single encrypted text.

There are 2 ways to encrypt and decrypt a Vigenere Cipher:

Method 1 is by using a grid

Method 2 is by using a Caesar cipher wheel

Below we have some resources to help tell you more about the cipher and also some encryption and decryption exercise using the Vigenere cipher with our online Caesar Cipher Wheel

Vigenere Cipher exercises

Try encrypting some computer science keywords using the Vignere Cipher and a Key Phrase

Try encrypting some computer science keywords using the Vignere Cipher and a Key Phrase


An explanation of how the Vigenere cipher works and a little of its history.

Want to try and work with a grid instead? Use this to print off a grid to work with.